Most low income or middle-class families would really benefit from a financial advisor, but many financial advisors don’t work with middle class clients. So how can a middle-class person find a financial advisor? We have put together these tips to aid you in the search. Where to Look for a Financial Advisor First, you need … Read More
Money Management
Retirement: How Much Money Do I Really Need?
Retirement planning is often a misunderstood topic. Many people dream of the day when they can retire but few people are properly planning for retirement. Those that do plan are more than likely underestimating the amount of money they will need for retirement. There are plenty of calculators and theories for determining the amount you … Read More
How to Handle Money and Finances During a Separation
When marriages encounter problems, separation sometimes occurs. This can be an emotionally trying time for all involved but its s important to get help. A marriage counselor, a lawyer, whatever you need. Dealing with money and finances during a separation can be difficult. It may cause heated arguments and worsen the situation. It’s important to … Read More
Building Your Own Legacy With an Inheritance
Receiving an inheritance is bittersweet, on the one hand presumably a loved one has been lost, and on the other, you now a unique opportunity.