The Reliable Retirement Planning Checklist You Need Now

Will you have enough money saved? Will you need part-time work? Are you prepared for the possible curveballs retirement can pitch you? These are just some of the questions this retirement planning checklist hopes to tackle. Whether you’re nearing retirement or looking far ahead, this checklist can lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling … Read More

Retirement Readiness Checklist: A Definitive Guide

Deciding when to retire is difficult. On the one hand, you want the vitality you need to accomplish dreams. On the other hand, you want to be financially secure for the long haul. All of the following items have the ability to significantly impact your retirement livelihood. Using our retirement readiness checklist helps you make … Read More

Retirement: How Much Money Do I Really Need?

Retirement planning is often a misunderstood topic. Many people dream of the day when they can retire but few people are properly planning for retirement. Those that do plan are more than likely underestimating the amount of money they will need for retirement. There are plenty of calculators and theories for determining the amount you … Read More

Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners

America is full of entrepreneurs and many people can successfully run a small business for many years. However, most small business owners do not have a retirement plan. They rely on selling the business as a means of retirement. A recent survey showed that 75 percent of participants age 18-64 have saved less than $100,000 … Read More

Retirement 101: Planning for the Future

It’s never too early to begin planning your retirement, but what is the best way to begin? Knowing that you can never have enough retirement savings is a daunting prospect.  By making a few key decisions early, much of the bewilderment surrounding retirement can be alleviated. Where Can I Find Retirement Planning Help? First, educate yourself on … Read More

The 7 Best Places to Retire Right Now

Retirement can be stressful to think about, but if you plan ahead, imagining how you’ll spend your days after you’ve put the day-to-day work grind behind you can actually be fun.